xTerraLink awarded a contract with California Department of Public Health.
xTerraLink awarded an Independent Security Vulnerability Assessment the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CTDFA).
xTerraLink awarded an Independent Security Assessment based on California AB670 for the California Department of Insurance (CDI).
xTerraLink partnered with IBM to help support the CCPA compliance Privacy Program.
xTerraLink recently selected and awarded a contract with California Department of General Services.
xTerraLink was awarded a California State Board of Equalization enterprise wide independent security architecture assessment contract. xTerraLink's unique Information Security and Privacy Assessment Framework coupled with its experience edged xTerraLink over its closest competitor.
xTerraLink's President was part of a subject matter expert panel on information security.
xTerraLink was awarded a contract with the California State Auditor.
xTerraLink was awarded a subcontract agreement with the State Compensation Fund to help support the Fund's Information Security Program.
Computer security incident management involves the monitoring and detection of security events on a computer or computer network, and the execution of proper responses to those events. Computer security incident management is a specialized form of incident management, the primary purpose of which is the development of a well understood and predictable response to damaging events and computer intrusions. Does your organization have the right incident management program?